
One Who Masters Magic: Ch. 24

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Literature Text

Learning of Destiny

Though mortal he may be, his influence stretches beyond mortals.
When war is waged and the end of days is upon the Realms,
His strength will determine the fate of two worlds.

— Prophecy of Torghus of Krue Vael, known only to the Krue Loremasters

Clan Hall
October 3

Their kiss eventually had to end and its spell faded away. They had to address the issues of the real world around them. Syler sat on the bench facing away from the table with his arm wrapped around a revitalized and completely healed Bronwyn. She hadn't just been healed, but the broken bones had been returned to how their original form as if having not been broken before. Even her hair had been restored to the length that it had once been. The healer woman that had held him up when he was removing the spell was mystified and in shock at what had happened, though Syler secretly shared her surprise.

After giving him a minute or two to reassure himself that he wasn't dreaming and that Bronwyn was indeed healed, Lord Saekoris firmly insisted that questions be answered. Syler had no reason to conceal anything, but the truth was that he didn't understand much of what he did himself. The Krue were especially interested in his interaction with the Elements and how he had managed to persuade them to intercede with the Spirits on Bronwyn's behalf.

When he had first entered this building, the few who had even deigned to look upon him had done so with suspicion, disgust, curiosity, dismissal, or a combination of the four. The reputation the Krue had for believing themselves superior to other races was clearly accurate. When Lord Saekoris had accepted him into his hospitality, they were forced to accept it but most glared at him with looks that made him think they didn't believe him to be deserving. It was worse than the cold, haughty looks that the Angvardi had given the Sei after they had surrendered at Fazei Crossing because at least the Easterners had treated them as worthy of some respect.

Now though, things were quite different. While Lord Saekoris either wasn't surprised or was better at hiding his feelings, the others were quite astonished at what he had done and was saying. The men and women in the building now looked at him with at least some respect and perhaps a little fear. As his full story came out, they teetered between awe of him and calling it all impossible. Even the previously cold Vekla looked at him with newfound consideration instead of outright dismissal. The news of his courageous stand against the Elements and his miraculous healing of Bronwyn quickly spread across the entire town like lightening and people were flocking to the longhouse to hear him speak. As the room and the small balconies around it filled up, additional guards were summoned to keep out any more and to make sure the crowds behaved.

He was sitting next to Bronwyn at the front of the table with Vekla and a man who Syler assumed was a military officer of some sort sitting across from them. Lord Saekoris had returned to his upraised throne at the head of the table so he could look out over the crowd. The food that he and Syler had been eating was still there and a famished Bronwyn was eagerly digging into it. It was the first solid food she had been able to eat since being captured.

"I don't believe you quite usasto, er, understand the importance of what you have done, Syler Penion of Sandrin," said Lord Saekoris. "To stand against any of the Immortals, especially one of your own gods, in their own realm takes considerable courage. To outwit one is unheard of."

"I did what I had to do," replied Syler without any pride in his voice. "They were going to let Bronwyn die and yet, expected me to serve them without complaint." His voice hardened as anger crept into it, "I am tired of doing what others want of me without getting any benefits back. They apparently have some need of me, so I had leverage to use against them."

Syler didn't miss the shared look between Vekla and Lord Saekoris. He idly put his arm on Bronwyn's back and ran his fingers through her rich brown hair.

Lord Saekoris pursed his lips thoughtfully before responding, "You have a destiny, true, but be careful about putting that to the test. Majiyae Oretezu or not, you are a mortal and if you die, you are dead. Insulting an Immortal is not a wise way to stay alive."

"Well, it worked for me."

"This time," Vekla pointed out. "Next time you may not mendikat their wrath."

Syler knew what they were saying. He had no intention of pressing his luck against them again. He got what he wanted and as long as they stayed out of his life and let him live, then he would not need anything else from them.

"So," Lord Saekoris said as he leaned forward, "tell us how you removed the majiyae from your wife."

Bronwyn stopped eating so she could look into his eyes for his response. She was clearly interested, but didn't want to interfere. Her expression was one of intense curiosity bordering on a hungry desire to know how he had done what he did. For some reason, despite being able to stare down Elements, defy sorceresses, and stand before Kruish lords, having his wife look at him like that made Syler nervous. Somehow, he knew she wanted to know more than what even Lord Saekoris was interested in. He wasn't sure what, but he had a feeling he would find out sooner or later.

"Well," he said nervously, "After Suella touched me and sent me back, I knew I had to do something about the curse. When I went over to her, I could see the energy coming from the marks on her stomach and spreading around her body. Once I saw that, I just kinda, I don't know, banished the curse."

"You just banished the curse," Vekla stated incredulously. He could have said that he had single handedly stopped the sun from rising and she wouldn't have looked at him any differently.

"Yes, I saw it there clutching her in its tendrils and I envisioned pulling it off of her. When she was free and I had it within my hands, I willed its evil away and cast it aside."

The sorceress stared at him blankly as though such a thing was beyond her imagination. "Where did you learn to do such a thing? Who could have taught you magic that powerful?"

He shrugged, "I don't know. Like I said, Suella, did something to me just before I woke up. Perhaps that is what she was teaching me to do. I just reacted and did what I thought made sense."

"Impossible," she whispered. "I have seen curses much less powerful than that confound even the most powerful of wizards and sorceresses. Even if you could defeat the curse, it would not explain how you healed her so quickly and without the usual spells. Such healing of that magnitude would have taken hours."

With a chuckle, Syler patted Bronwyn's leg and said, "Well, I can't explain it, but here she is. If she is not proof enough for you that it is possible, then I can't help you any further." Bronwyn smiled at him, though her lips were pressed tightly together and her eyes didn't share the gesture. He knew her well enough to know that she was simply putting on a show for the others, but that something was worrying her. They didn't have any privacy in the middle of a crowd of Krue, so he would have to wait to find out what it was.

Vekla had nothing more to say to that, but bowed her head and looked down at the half empty plate from the previous occupant's dinner that was sitting in front of her. Lord Saekoris lifted his hand and an attendant quickly scrambled through the crowd to his side. He spoke a few words into the man's ear and sat back while his commands were carried out.

The man stood up and shouted, "Vangroos ka tugral sek ley!"

Syler didn't need a translation because, with a few groans of disappointment, those inside the hall began to filter out through the doors. The guards waited until everyone else was gone before clasping their fists over their hearts and leaving themselves. Only Lord Saekoris, Vekla, Bronwyn, and he were left in the hall.

Lord Saekoris remained on his throne while, with a word and a wiggle of her fingers, Vekla caused some regular high backed chairs to float in from behind the throne. She arranged them in a semicircle in front of the throne and motioned for them to be seated.

"Now then," began Lord Saekoris with a glance at Bronwyn, "while I would prefer to divulge this information only with Syler Penion of Sandrin, I do not believe I could part the two of you long enough to do it."

"That is right," Syler said with a nod of confirmation. "I trust Bronwyn completely, anything you have to say to me can be said in front of her. If she is to help me, she needs to know as much as possible."

She gave him a small but genuine smile and took his left hand in hers. "Thank you, you have nothing to fear from me, my love," she said quietly.

Lord Saekoris inclined his head agreeably. "Kota fos jhatt, this is true. I follow your wisdom in this matter, Majiyae Oretezu. I hope that in time that I might earn the level of trust that you place in her. Be careful whom you trust, Syler Penion of Sandrin. Not all whom you would wish as friends will be so."

He paused and looked over at Vekla, then continued. "I believe it is time for more instructive introductions. I do not believe you know much about our culture, so I will endeavor to help you learn as much as possible in what short time we have left."

He tapped his fingers against his chest. "As you know, I am Lord Avenil Saekoris. While being an Inthaley or Clan Lord among the Krue is hardly without honor, that is not what makes me stand out among my kind. I am one of the very few who are part of a secretive society known as the Soun'tezu. In your tongue, the word would translate directly to Loremasters, but that is not what you would call those like us among your kind. You would call us Sages and we are seekers of knowledge as they are, but we are more."

"We are not just dedicated to learning about prophecy and wisdom from those who came before, we are dedicated to the aid and protection of the Majiyae Oretezu. All of us learn of the prophecies and lore that manages to find its way into mortal hands through one means or another.

"You see, Syler Penion of Sandrin, prophecy is but one of the ways that the Immortals guide us."

He reached up to his neck and pulled a gold chain from under his furs. Syler was not surprised to see an eight sided star dangling from it because it was exactly like the ones that Growald and Vekla showed each other. This one, though, was the color of worn gold, though he didn't think it was made of the rare metal. When exposed to the light of the hovering fire in the center of the room, the pendant seemed to reflect far more light than it should have.

Despite his fascination with the pendant, Syler's attention was distracted when Bronwyn stiffened and sat up straight when she saw the pendant. Syler wasn't sure what that meant, but he didn't think that Lord Saekoris or Vekla noticed because their eyes were on him. He returned his focus back on his host and tried to figure out what sort of metal the pendant was made of.

"Ah," Lord Saekoris said knowingly, "this is not the first of the Ritdenmarq you have seen, is it?"

"No, sir, it isn't," admitted Syler. "I saw Growald and Vekla each with one on the border."

"But you do not know what it is." Syler shook his head, so the older man continued. "Long ago, before man counted Eras, the Lords of mighty Zazasp met on the top of Mount Khrazad that rose out of the Great Eascand Forest. Now, you would know the area as the Eascand Desert ever since the Desolation, but in those times, all of the North from the Subeleth to Angvard was one giant, united forest with its capital in the mighty city of Zazasp at the foot of Mount Khrazad.

"In those times, during what is called the First Era the Kingdom of Zazasp dominated the North for near nine hundred years. They built the largest, most impressive monuments imaginable and discovered much of what we now know of magic. They were feared around Teladia and were considered without equal for their time.

"But with those achievements came great fultac, or pride. Those lords, unmatched among all mortals, decided that it was their right to commune with the Immortals as equals. On the top of Mount Khrazad, the center of their power and kingdom, they commanded the magic of thousands of wizards and sorcerers and tens of thousands of mages to open a gateway between our two realms so that they could march their vast armies in and confront the Immortals."

Lord Saekoris lowered his eyes and sighed. One hand went up to cradle his head as it sank down in sadness. "The foolish mortals had no comprehension of the power of the Immortals, or of their wrath. Rather than recognizing the Zazaspi as equals, the Immortals struck them down without mercy. An army said to be greater than any ever before assembled crushed in minutes by fire and monsters from their realm the likes of which we see only in nightmares. Zazasp itself was soon to follow in destruction, but the Immortals were not satisfied. They wanted to make sure that Mortals never again dared challenge their power.

"They set out from Mount Khrazad intent on destroying our realm and for a time, they did. After a few days, some of the Immortals took pity on the mortals they were slaughtering and repented of their desire to destroy all of mankind. There was a great disagreement between them and the ones that wanted to continue their path of war and fighting between the Immortals broke out.

"In the end, neither side was able to gain victory, so they came to terms. The Immortals would depart our realm and the portals between realms would be closed. Those Immortals who wished to see man's destruction agreed to stay out of the Mortal Realm and allow mankind to be, but only for a time. After an unknown amount of time, the portals would open once more and they would never again close. The benevolent Immortals did not have a choice because they knew that if their war were to continue within our realm, it would destroy mortals regardless to who won. Therefore, they agreed to the truce whereby mankind was given a reprieve from the wrath of the other malevolent Immortals. During the reprieve, neither side would directly interfere in the affairs of the mortals. The malevolent ones did not wish their rivals to build us up and arm mortals with powerful magics known only by their kind and the benevolent ones did not wish their enemies to visit calamity and death upon mortals. When the agreement was made, both sides withdrew through the portal built on Mount Khrazad and sealed it up.

"Despite the pledge of noninterference, both sides do sometimes make their presence known. Prophecy is one of the most common ways by which the Immortals attempt to guide mortals. They can, on occasion, give mortals visions or even directly influence their fate. Though we are not entirely sure, I believe that both sides work against each other through mortals themselves.

"From the end of the First Era to the present, mortals have worshiped the Immortals in one form or another. Some worship the Spirits, others the Elements or the Tetrarchy. As the Immortals were divided in their realm, so were they divided here in ours. Each wanted their own followers for whatever reasons they alone know. It might be curiosity, it might be out of sheer spite, but whatever the reason, they often use their mortal followers as pawns to bring each other low.

"Our entire existence may very well be nothing more than one brutal game for the Immortals. Both sides are posturing and preparing for that fateful day when the portals between realms are opened and they can continue their war against each other. I do not know why this is so or what they gain out of it, but as our people say, 'neith fos, fos.' What is, is."

"As I mentioned before, various cultures have names for this day. The one you are probably most familiar with is the Coming Darkness which is espoused by those who follow the Way. We Krue call it Fultak'os Valderotes, Pride's Reckoning, for we know the source of mankind's doom is our own pride."

After those words, Lord Saekoris reached to the side of his throne and found a jug of mead to wet his mouth. "Forgive me, Majiyae Oretezu. Speaking in your tongue is difficult and draining."

Syler let him drink until he was satisfied and set the jug back down beside his throne before asking, "How do you know all of this? I have heard nothing like this ever before."

A sly look entered the lord's eyes and he gave a lopsided smile that showed only the teeth on one side of his mouth. "I know this because Subeleth is what was once the Zazaspi Western territories, just as the Angrava Forest is in what was the Eastern territories. Unlike the Haresu, we did not abandon our Zazaspi heritage or wisdom."

Syler didn't know what to think about that. It made sense, but it was still so odd to him that he had never heard of this before. There were always legends that flowed from all over and crossed borders and rivalries, but he had never even heard anything close to this before. Having lived with someone like Havert who loved old stories, it would have been impossible to avoid something like this if it was out and available. Then again, with how insular the Krue were, it almost made sense. They weren't exactly known for being open in, well, anything. They didn't even speak the Common Tongue that almost everyone knew and used.

"With great pardons, Ley Saekoris," said Bronwyn meekly with her head bowed in deference. "I humbly request permission to present a question to yourself."

Syler furrowed his brows in confusion at the formality of her request, but Lord Saekoris didn't miss a beat. "Have no fear before me, Bronwyn Penion of Kutiim, for I have granted you dolothmorin along side your honored husband while you were under the influence of the pusdostil curse."

Bronwyn visibly relaxed to the point of elbowing her husband. "Why didn't you tell me he granted sanctuary?"

While rubbing the sore spot under his ribs, Syler responded ruefully, "Because with all that happened, I didn't think to bring it up. I have been a little preoccupied, you know."

Bronwyn snorted quietly and rolled her eyes, but there was a slight smile on her lips to take the sting out of it.

"What was your question, honored Bronwyn Penion of Kutiim?" Lord Saekoris asked.

She sat up straight in chagrin and said quietly, "What does your tale of Immortals and man have to do with the pendant that you wear and that my husband deems to be so important?"

"Ah," the lord said as he sat back in his throne. His cheeks grew slightly pink and he looked over at Vekla. "You should have stopped me before I rambled too long."

The sorceress bowed her head and replied, "It is not my place to correct bwet lay. If he feels that his words are needed, who am I to question his wisdom?"

"Indeed true, but you should not have me waste the Majiyae Oretezu's time."

"I don't find knowledge of the past to be a waste," replied Syler with as much respect as he could muster. "I am greatly appreciative of your wisdom in opening my eyes to new things."

After more of his wheeze like laughter, Lord Saekoris finally said, "You are kind to an old man, but your wife is correct. I have gone off subject and need to answer your question."

With a pointed look at Bronwyn, he started his stories once more. "After the Great Desolation, the Zazaspi survivors banded together and tried to survive in their old lands even though they were decimated and nothing could live there. They quickly ran out of food, and were forced west to Subeleth and the sacred woods that stand to this day. Even then, the devastation of the Immortal's onslaught was tremendous and food was scarce, so there was great famine and suffering.

"Worse, though, was the fear of not knowing what happened and why the Immortals had stopped their attack. Most were convinced that the end was still coming and that there was no hope of survival. There is nothing more devastating than a complete lack of hope because it destroys the spirit and causes a man to give up."

Syler didn't argue with that for his own recent experiences were still painful to think of. He had experienced despair and a complete lack of hope and it had nearly driven him to complete destruction. He shuddered at the very thought of plunging a knife into Bronwyn's heart and losing her forever.

"Unable to bear watching the continuing suffering that the mortals were experiencing as direct result of their actions," Lord Saekoris continued, "those benevolent Immortals who saved mankind took a great risk in sending one of their own in human form to those survivors. This man, Ritden, came to the leaders of the survivors and told them many things.

"He told them some of what had happened and why the Immortals had stopped their war. He warned them of the Fultak'os Valderotes  and how mortals had not escaped punishment for their pride, but would have to one day face the wrath of the Immortals. Further, and most importantly, he promised a savior, one to give mortals a chance of survival when that dark day befell them."

He stopped to point a finger at Syler. "That chance is you, Syler Penion of Sandrin. You are the Majiyae Oretezu, the Master of Magic, and of the fate of mortals."

Syler gulped. He didn't necessarily want such responsibility, but it didn't appear as though he had a choice. The deal he had made with Crusos stated that, in exchange for Bronwyn's life and the Element's staying out of  the affairs of himself and his friends, he would accept the future they had in mind for him. It was a deal he didn't think he could get out of without terrible consequences.

Lord Saekoris continued, "As proof of what he said, Ritden used his powers to craft several marqi, or pendants in the shape of power and promised they would be tokens of guidance for that One. He made them of different colors and purposes and said that their bearers would play their part in the journey of the One. He gave one to the Zazaspi survivors before leaving them with promises that the right people would receive the others."

The golden pendant gleamed in Lord Saekoris' hand as he lifted it forward so Syler could see it more closely. "This is the pendant given to the Zazaspi survivors. It is the Ritdenmarq of confirmation, just as I am the Ulaen Fequilbat, the Confirmer. Those who first received this did not know what it meant for it was not until after Ritden left that prophecy began to be given to mankind. Since it was too risky to send further ambassadors, the benevolent Immortals instead sent messages to those who were most sensitive to their Realm. Those messages became known as prophecy since they told of what would happen and offered help to mortals when they needed such.

"Through careful research, we have discovered what most of the Ritdenmarq are meant for and who they denote. Their purpose is to serve as verification to the One and his allies of the identity of the individual bearing them, as well as a token for direction. We do not entirely understand what their full purpose is as they require your presence and touch to fully activate them, and we suspect that they are meant to be used in conjunction with each other.

"Prophecy has clearly states that several key individuals will be present to help or to hinder you along your journey. Each of them should have a Ritdenmarq of their own passed down for generations. Among the Krue Loremasters, those individuals are known as Torelatat which is a combination of the Kruish words torleias which means 'friend' and latat which means 'help.' Each of these Torelatat are meant to serve a specific purpose in your life. I am the Torelatat known as the Ulaen Fequilbat, the Confirmer. It is my purpose to confirm who you are so that the world may know your presence."

He gestured at Vekla and said, "Vekla is a powerful sorceress, one of the best we have. It is her purpose to serve as the Rabstaq which means the Guide. For generations untold, the Krue have protected and trained the Guide. It is normally a hereditary title passed down through the firstborn females of the first sorceress to have received the red Ritdenmarq, but it can be bestowed upon another woman if there are no suitable heirs available. Vekla's ancestors have been sorceresses for twelve generations and all have been the Rebastaq.

"It is the purpose of the Rebastaq to learn of both magic and of the prophecies regarding the Majiyae Oretezu, the Magic Master. She will be your guide, your helper, and your source of advice on anything relating to magic during your journey. She knows as much about magic as any could be expected to know, and will be an invaluable source of information for you. Not only does she possess knowledge and an understanding of the arcane, but as you saw, she is a sorceress who is more than capable of holding her own in battle.

"There are more Torelatat who will contribute to your journey. Vekla tells me that you have found ka Bolteros, the Guardian, already. She says he is this Growald of the Seinari you were riding with."

Syler let out a snort of derision. "I have difficulty believing that. He is nothing but a pain in the ass and an almost intolerable brute."

Lord Saekoris sighed and said, "It is not a warrior's place to be kind and gentle. Whether you know it or not, his purpose was to keep you safe until you could be delivered unto me for Confirmation. After that point, he is to serve you as your bodyguard and protector until either you or he goes to be with your ancestors."

"I don't think I could stomach him as a bodyguard any more than he could stomach serving me," Syler warned.

"What you think is irrelevant," chided Lord Saekoris. "If he is indeed your Guardian, he will protect your life at all costs. You will accept his services because you will need him."

Syler scoffed and said, "We will see. It is more likely that we will try to kill each other."

"Regardless, if he bears the Ritdenmarq and it responds to his touch as Vekla says it does, he has his part to play and will play it."

"Are there any others?"

With a firm nod, Lord Saekoris replied, "Yes, there are."

He stopped at that point and said nothing. Syler waited patiently for ten seconds thinking that perhaps the man was needing another break, but all he did was stare back at him. At last, he could stand it no longer and asked, "Well, who are they?"

Lord Saekoris lifted one finger and waggled it, "That is not for you to know at this point. To tell the truth, I am not even sure I know them all, but I know a few. They will be revealed to you when the time is right and no sooner."

"How am I to know who they are?"

"You may not. You traveled with Growald of the Seinari for a time before finding he was the Bolteros. Each Torelatat has their own purpose and role to play. It is not for me to dictate what that role is or how they should go about it. Even giving you knowledge that they exist could alter your decisions and pose great danger for both you and them." He lifted his whole hand to forestall Syler's rising protest. "I will only say that I do not know the specific identities of any of the Torelatat beyond those of Vekla and Growald of the Seinari, and he was only now made known to me."

Clearly the Kruish lord wasn't going to be of any more help. "That is just great, but I must ask, what am I do to?" asked Syler with frustration straining his voice. "I have heard much lately about how important I am or whatever, but I still do not know what makes me so important or what I am supposed to do."

"You are the Majiyae Oretezu, the Master of Magic. In all of time, there has never been one like you born of all the mothers of man. It is not entirely known what sort of powers you will wield, but it is known that the future hinges upon your actions. There is a war that will soon be waged both here and in the Immortal Realm. The portals between our realms will soon be open and the world as we know it will end. You will be the one who determines whether that end will be a good thing or the extinction of mortals forever.

"It is not entirely clear what your part in this war will be. Prophecy is mute on that subject, probably intentionally so for reasons that are too complex for me to go into. It says plenty about how important your journey will be and how decisive you are, but little on the particulars of what exactly that journey entails. I have always believed that when the time comes, you will know what to do."

Syler gave him a blank stare. "So I am supposed to be some powerful and extremely critical person, but nobody has any idea what I am supposed to do or how I am to do it. This is not much of a help."

"I know it isn't, but it is all that I can give you. In time, you will know what to do."
Syler stood up and said, "What suggestions might you have? I have no idea what to do now other than to rest and wait for my friends to arrive."

"You must first be formally Confirmed. I am the Confirmer and believe that you are indeed the Majiyae Oretezu, but there are rites that must be conducted to be completely sure that you are who we have been waiting for and not a very clever pretender."

"What does that involve?" asked Syler warily.

"Magic, for one," replied Lord Saekoris. "It will take me some time to prepare myself for the ritual, but you also must be prepared. We will conduct the Confirmation tomorrow at dusk."

"What are we to do until then?" asked Syler.

"You will be taken to my house to rest and cleanse yourselves after your long journey. Your companions should be arriving tomorrow, and they are welcome to partake in the amenities of Clan Thwrud. Vekla will take you to my house where my servants will tend to your needs."

The thought of taking a bath and washing weeks worth of dirt off of him was quite appealing right now, almost as appealing as having a nice, warm bed to sleep in. Syler looked down at Bronwyn who was still sitting and saw that she was deep in thought about something. When she took his offered hand, it was trembling slightly. He figured it was due to the lack of proper food and activity over the last month and made a promise to himself to make sure she ate plenty of good food while they were here to regain her strength. She would need all the strength she could get for the journey to Sua in search of his sister.
This and all material related to the Master of Magic series is copywritten by me. Unless otherwise mentioned or you have explicit permission from me, you cannot use anything related for any purpose.

This is the second part of the Kruish version of events. The first part was in Chapter 22 when Lord Saekoris began his explanation of the Immortal world, touching on what Syler's purpose was. In this chapter, he completes his lesson, even if Syler is left wanting more.

There is a LOT of information dumped here and I know that most of it is dialogue. There simply was no other way to impart such information, and, well, that is part of Lord Saekoris' job. Take careful note here to what he says, but do so with a critical eye. I believe I have said this before: what is said here is true, from a certain point of view.

I am most interested in feedback with as much detail as you can give, even if it is to express changes or disagreement with how I did something. I may not agree with you or change what is there, but I can promise you that I will heed and consider anything you put.

Related Links


Prologue: A Prophecy Worth Blood (has all chapter links)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~Part II: The Kruish Lord~

Ch. 22: One Who Knows
Ch. 23: A Taste of the Immortal
Ch. 24: Learning of Destiny
Ch. 25: To Choose to Love
Ch. 26: A Reunion


Continent of Teladia
Political Map of Teladia, 3E 1048
Size Comparison of Teladia and Europe
Size Comparison of Teladia and the US


Kruish Runic Chart
© 2013 - 2024 Trivas
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Edyong's avatar
In my opinion, you distribute informations very well. true that compared with other chapters, this chapter reveals a lot more insight but it is not overwhelming. so don't worry about it too much. besides, when we're flipping through books, there aren't actually any boundaries between chapters. Mostly readers won't be aware of changing of chapters in a book of fast paces like this one.
(slow-pacing book being A Song of Ice and Fire (Game of Throne), Lord of the Ring...)

You tricked me into believing that Bronwyn would be dead. the second time :)