
One Who Masters Magic: Ch. 35

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text

Three Conversations

Duty can be a bitter thing to swallow.

— Unknown

Clan Lord's Estate
October 25

It was time.

When he woke up that morning, Syler could feel it in his bones. He had stayed here in Thwrud for as long as he felt comfortable doing it. If they were going to meet Lamastus before the end of the month, they needed to leave now. Even on hasuan, he wasn't sure that they could make it in time, but he meant to find out.

The sun had not yet showed itself and Bronwyn was still asleep beside him. Syler disentangled himself from his wife's arms eliciting a quiet moan from her before she faded back to sleep. He quietly put on his clothes and an outer cloak. In the early days of living here, servants had desperately tried to wait on him, dress him, bathe him, and do everything for him but chew his food. After the first day, he had threatened to flog the next man or woman who tried to touch him. On the second, he banished all servants from his and Bronwyn's chambers whenever either was present on threat of the same.

He noticed that his leg was feeling much better than it had in some time. It was still a little sore and he had seen the white scar before putting his pants on, but it felt almost whole. Instead of a sharp pain shooting up and down his leg whenever he put his weight on it, he only felt a dull ache. He didn't know what caused it and didn't much care because it made what he wanted to do much easier.

It was now nearing the end of October and he needed to get to See Sei before Lamastus gave up on him and started back. He decided to put on the armor he had worn last night, and it wasn't entirely because Bronwyn said she liked him in it. He had no illusions that there would be plenty of people who wouldn't want to see him go and might even try to stop him. He wanted to present as strong and powerful an image as he could to dissuade at least some of that opposition. No matter what anyone said or thought, it was time to find his sister and Elements help anyone who tried to get in his way.

Bronwyn woke with a start, immediately noticing her husband's absence like a cold chill that left her feeling exposed and vulnerable. She nearly always woke before him simply so she could enjoy the sensation of his arms around her or seeing his face when it was so peaceful and relaxed. In the last few weeks, sleep was the only time when he didn't look as though the cares of the world were upon his shoulders.

That he was missing this morning was concerning enough even without the sense of anxiety that had been surrounding him this last week. His dreams over the last several nights had been increasingly centered around finding his sister. She knew this because what he dreamt, she saw with as much clarity as though she were staring at them through a window of the purest clear glass. She could see, but that glass wall prevented her from touching or interfering, even when Syler broke down into tears over the bloody body of his sister.

She sat up and shivered. Her lips curved downward and wrinkles formed between her eyebrows. Was that his dream…or was it mine? The difference was important, extremely so. If it had been his dream, then it was nothing more than his subconscious mind playing into his fears and hardships. If it was her dream, then…

No, it could not be. It had to be one of his, just like the others. Ever since the Temple, she had been linked with him so closely that she couldn't tell her dreams from his—assuming she even dreamed any longer. Even if it was her dream, that didn't mean anything. Almost all of her dreams were just that.

The door to their room opened and her head shot up expectantly. When she saw it was just a servant, her shoulders sagged.

The servant, a young man, nearly dropped the linens he was carrying and turned beet red. His head dropped straight down as if there was something extremely interesting on the floor that needed investigating. "[I am sorry, my lady, I believed you had departed with the master as you always do,]" he said in a quivering voice.

There was a slight smile on Bronwyn's face as she remembered how Syler had exiled all of the servants from entering the chambers while either of them were present. He was rather fickle about people preening over him even to the point that it was hard for even her to care for him when he needed it. She didn't mind the servants herself because she knew they were simply doing their jobs and conducting themselves according to what was expected of them, but he was stubborn and felt people should do things for themselves.

That smile quickly turned into horror as she realized that the man's reaction was due to more than fear of being whipped. His terror was due to the fact that she was sitting up in bed stark naked and exposed in front of him. She let out a squeak as she quickly pulled a sheet up to cover herself.

"[It is not your fault,]" she said hurriedly. "[Go now and return in half a turn. Do not mention this to any and I will hold my tongue.]"

He quickly bowed low and then scrambled out of the room, closing the door behind him. With cheeks still slightly warm, Bronwyn got out of her bed and dressed as quickly as she could. It would not have been any issue had the servant been a woman, such things were commonplace. But for a manservant to have seen his master's wife uncovered could be cause enough for him to be executed should the master desire. Not that she expected Syler to order any such thing, but the poor man wouldn't know that. Syler hadn't really been his normal self since coming here, but had been a colder, harder version of the man she had fallen in love with.

Putting aside what had happened, she emerged from their chambers clad in a dark green wool dress and a cream colored fur shawl. With purposeful strides, she set out to find her husband and see what was so urgent that he had to wake so early. Along the way, she tried to keep her eye out for the hapless manservant so she could reassure him that he was not in trouble, but he was nowhere to be found.

Her exploration eventually took her to the stables where she heard her husband's voice. She turned the corner of one of the servant's houses and saw him standing with his arms crossed in front of a rather furious looking sorceress. Even without her traditional blue and black face paint, she looked terrifying enough to set water on fire. Knowing her skills with magic, Bronwyn assumed that she likely could do just that if she wanted to. He was wearing that splendid armor from last night like he had been born in it and was no less threatening than she.

They were in the middle of an argument and neither looked like they were going to back down. "Yes, I am," Syler was saying. "I will not see my sister in the hands of the Sua and Angvardi."

"You cannot go," she said firmly. "I forbid it."

Syler's brows shot up. "Oh really? Since when did you become the inthaley? It was you and your father who put me into this position, so now you have to live with it. You wanted me to act like a lord so now I am. I am deciding that I will not remain here while my sister is in captivity."

She blinked once, but stood her ground. "There are responsibilities here that you must see to. Your power is not entirely solidified and there are dangers."

"No," said Syler defiantly. "I don't owe the Krue anything." Bronwyn had seen him like this a few times and knew that not even the power of a master sorceress was going to make him budge.

Vekla apparently either didn't realize that or thought that she could break through his stubbornness. "You are our lord and protector, the welfare of this clan is in your hands."

He vigorously shook his head and made a slashing mark in front of him with his hand. "I didn't ask for it, nor will I accept it if it means I cannot get my sister. I have agreed to stay as your leader, but I have conditions for my cooperation. If you don't like them, then I will leave and never return."

"It is your destiny," replied Vekla matter-of-factly. "You cannot escape it even if you tried."

Syler gave her a thin smile and leaned toward her. In a quiet, cold voice, he told her, "The Elements themselves tried to force the notion of 'destiny' on me and it didn't work. I sincerely doubt that you have what it takes to top them."

For the first time, Vekla looked unsure of herself. Bronwyn couldn't but help feel a small smidgeon of sympathy for her because she knew what it was like going up against his stubbornness. Unfortunately for the sorceress, she didn't possess the power that being Syler's wife and having his love gave her.

Vekla stuck her chin up and retorted, "Prophecy has made it clear what you are and will do, Syler Penion of Sandrin. Your future lies among the People."

"I have read nothing in prophecy that says I can't go and find my sister. I defied the gods I believed in so that I may have a chance to rescue her." Showing a complete lack of concern for what he was doing, he jammed his forefinger straight into Vekla's chest just below her collarbone. "I will cut down anyone who tries to get between me and Karusa."

Vekla's eyes narrowed as she tried—and failed—to swat Syler's hands away. Without her magic, she was not nearly as physically strong as a blacksmith who spent his days pounding at hot steel with heavy hammers. "I forbid this foolishness," she said in a voice dripping in acid. "I cannot let you go and get yourself hurt like a crazed fool." She tried once more to remove Syler's finger, but when she could not, she settled for grabbing his wrist in a white knuckled grip.

Syler's voice took on a tinge of darkness that Bronwyn had never heard before. "I have endured your manipulations long enough, Vekla Saekoris. Do not stand there and pretend that you care one bit about what happens to me, it is against the law to lie to your lord." She gaped openly at him, though her eyes were full of danger and barely restrained fury. He wasn't finished, though, and Bronwyn winced in sympathy for the other woman when she saw the stubborn anger on his face. "I am quite finished with you and Growald tugging me in different directions. I am tired of playing by your games and doing what you wish me to do rather than what I need to do. You made me inthaley, so now you must learn to live with that decision even if you don't like it."

Vekla's dropped back down and she spoke in as threatening a manner as she could considering there was a man poking her in the chest and glaring at her. "Do not presume to threaten me. Inthaley or not, I am a Sorceress of the Black, recognized in Krue Vael. Even inthaleyin listen to when one of my rank speaks."

"I don't care what others do. I am not like your other lords and I don't care what you are. You cannot stop me, sorceress, not without killing me and we both know you aren't going to do that." With a jerk of his arm, he violently broke Vekla's grip. Before she could react, he had grabbed both of her forearms in a grip of steel. Syler's biceps bulged as he lifted her a few inches off the ground and simply held her there at eye level.

Bronwyn gasped as Vekla's hand darted for the knife on her belt, but the sorceress stopped herself before she pulled the blade free from its sheath. With visible strain on her face, she remained calm and glared into Syler's unblinking eyes even while her face began to turn red with humiliation. Beads of sweat formed on her forehead and her right eye twitched with  the effort of restraining herself from taking a direct action against her lord that would truly doom her. Her black braids were a fury of motion behind her as she struggled in vain to get free without striking at Syler.

Bronwyn ran across the small yard to her husband's side crying, "Syler, what are you doing!"

"Stay out of this, Bronwyn," he growled through clenched teeth without taking his eyes off of Vekla's. "This is something that needs to happen."

Realization dawned in Bronwyn's eyes and she realized what was happening now. This was more than just a disagreement over whether Syler would go after Karusa. It was a challenge between the two of them to see who was really the one in charge. Vekla, the mighty and feared sorceress, was facing off against Syler, a man who was perhaps the most stubborn Bronwyn had ever seen. Just as what happened with Growald, both needed to figure out who was going to be the leader and who would follow. Unlike with how she dealt with Growald, Bronwyn didn't think her interfering would do anyone any good here.

Vekla remained stuck in Syler's grasp with her feet hanging a few inches in the air, but she refused to break. Even if her struggles ended, she too was stubborn and determined to do so regardless to the humiliating position she found herself in. She might have had enough restraint not to lift a hand against her inthaley, but that didn't mean she had to submit to him meekly now that he had challenged her so directly. Sorceresses were a prideful lot and extremely dangerous if threatened or pushed.

Syler was not so angry that he didn't realize this. Though his voice lacked none of the determination that it held before, it was softer when he said, "Lord Saekoris trusted me to take over his position, Vekla. If you truly believe he was a wise man, then you must believe he would have wanted you to follow my lead just as you followed his."

Vekla's head twitched slightly at the invocation of her father's name. Her eyes were still narrow with fury and her lips were pursed in defiance. Her hand fell from the hilt of her knife, though, and for that Bronwyn was glad.

Seeing her continued opposition, Syler grimaced and added, "Think, Sorceress, if you force me to cast you aside, then you will not be able to guide me. All that you worked for until this point would be for naught. Would you be so prideful that you would leave me alone simply because I refuse to let you lead me around by the nose?" he scoffed. "I thought you were wiser, more dedicated, and more true to your word than that." That last part was cold, biting, and without a shred of mercy, but he did not seem to care. He was as hard as steel and was not going to back down one bit.

After several long seconds of silence, the air went out of Vekla's lungs and her body went limp in Syler's grip. For the first time since he had grabbed her, her eyes drifted downward in defeat. Seeing this, Syler nodded and set her gently back down on the ground. As soon as his hand left her forearms, she took several steps back while a quiet hiss escaped her lips.

Syler stood tall and triumphant in his black and gold Kruish armor. When she looked back at him, he began issuing his commands as though he had been doing it all of his life. "I will be going after my sister. I may not be an experienced warrior, but I am no fool. I won't be going alone, nor will I leave Thwrud without leadership."

He crossed his arms as he continued, "Havert shall remain behind as my gaelkadrada." Discussions with Lord Horadin had revealed that whenever an inthaley had to leave his seat of power, he left behind a gaelkadrada to speak in his stead. When he had asked, he was told it was a brother of the soul, but that it also had something to do with a voice somehow. Syler wasn't completely sure of its meaning, but he took it as a sort of regent or representative. "I trust him completely and he knows what I would want done. Lord Horadin will be here to advise him. I will be going with Delmonor and ten of his finest warriors as escort because while I don't want to be defenseless, I also want to avoid confrontation out there. Growald will also be going along in case we need his connections with the Seinari. If you want to join us, I suggest you get yourself ready because we leave in two hours."

Without even pausing to hear her response, he pivoted smartly on one heel and marched off back toward the estate proper. Bronwyn stood pale and aghast at how her husband had behaved and briefly debated whether or not to go to Vekla to smooth things over or follow in his footsteps. She turned to follow, but Syler was already halfway back to the estate. Hiking up her dress, Bronwyn rushed after him leaving the sorceress behind.

Leaving Vekla behind had not been easy. Syler knew that she was a dangerous individual and someone he definitely did not want as an enemy. It was more than her danger that made him hesitate. She had even saved his life at least twice and probably a few more times that he wasn't completely sure of. There had been a hushed report about some minor nobles having turned up rather murdered in a rather gruesome fashion in their own houses. He suspected she might have had something to do with that after her display in the Clan House that first night. He had no doubt that if she wanted to, she would easily be able to kill him even without her magic, but he didn't think she would.

It wasn't that he didn't want or need her as an ally, it was that he couldn't keep putting up with how she was running roughshod over him all the time. He had allowed himself to be cowed for too long by her and Growald and it was time for it to end. How could he call himself a leader and yet be terrified of his advisors while in his own house? He was the inthaley and it was time for him to start acting like it. He had put up with their nonsense for too long because he was too afraid of making a mistake. No more, though.

Maybe it was the improved condition of his leg, or perhaps the wonderful night he had spent in Bronwyn's arms that made him feel as good as he did now. He felt more like himself than he had since before the Shalktra had dragged his wife away in Kubei. His victory over Vekla put a bounce in his step and got his spirits up.

At long last, he was going to go after his sister as he had wanted to for months. He wasn't going to be skulking around alone or with Bronwyn, trying to hide from any random patrol and afraid of his own shadow. No, he was going after her as a Kruish lord atop a hasuan and with soldiers and a sorceress watching his back. Even more, when he found Karusa, they wouldn't be hiding out in the mountains, scraping for a living and hoping the Angvardi or some band of bandits didn't discover them. They had a place to go that was safe and would keep them sheltered from the Easterners. It was more than he could have hoped for at the start of this month.

Bronwyn caught up to him and gave him an undecipherable look while they walked. He knew she probably wouldn't understand and he didn't want to start a fight, so he said nothing.

"Were you going to tell me?" she asked a bit harshly.

He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. "You knew it was coming," he said. "Lamastus is out there waiting and we don't have long before the end of the month."

"Were you going to tell me?" she repeated. There was no mistaking the coldness in her tone.

"Yes, I was."

They took several more steps in silence before she replied. "When?" There was hurt in her voice. Causing Bronwyn any pain was the last thing he ever wanted to do. He didn't want it to be like this, but he couldn't leave his sister forever. She would get over whatever hurt she felt at not being told, but Karusa may not get over being a virtual slave.

He fought back another sigh and replied, "I was planning on finding you when Vekla caught me. I am sorry, Bronwyn, but this is something I must do."
The hurt in her voice didn't retreat at all. If anything, it only grew deeper. "You weren't planning on taking me at all, were you? But you promised me that we would never be separated again. You gave me your word, and now you would leave me behind here while you went into danger."

Syler kicked himself for not seeing it earlier. She wasn't hurt that he didn't tell her, she was hurt because he wasn't taking her with him. He stopped and faced her when he responded, "This is not going to be a pleasure trip, my love. As you said, it will be dangerous."

The hurt had now been joined by anger, "Don't 'my love' me, Syler Penion." Her hands were on her hips. "You gave your wife your word. I have never known you to go back on something you promised. Not once."

"I didn't mean you would be attached at my hip for the rest of our lives. Would you expect me to have you at my side even in battle?" She gaped at him, but before she could retaliate, he pressed on. "Yes, Bronwyn, I said 'battle.' I am a Clan Lord now and if everyone around here is right, I am something more besides that. Only an absolute fool would think that I was not going to have to lead men into battle now that things have started. Do you mean to join me when the arrows are flying and men are dying?"

She didn't quite seem to know how to respond, but that didn't stop her from snapping back at him. "I don't want to be left behind like some useless trinket," she crossed her arms across her chest and glared at him. "You might be able to browbeat sorceresses around, but I took no oaths to serve you like she did. We are partners in this, Syler, and partners don't abandon each other."

Syler grimaced and took a small step back, hoping to get a little more distance from her. That didn't work because she took a larger step forward that put them closer than before. "What do you want me to do?" he exclaimed as he thrust his arms out in exasperation. "Do you want me to let you go with us even though you may get hurt? There is likely going to be fighting along the way and in fighting, people get hurt or killed." His voice broke and his throat clenched shut in fear. "Do not force me to see you lying on the ground bleeding again. I did that once, I don't know if I can do it again."

Some of the anger left Bronwyn's eyes, but not all of it. In a quiet voice just barely above a whisper, she replied, "Do you think it will be any easier for me here if you don't ever come back? I wouldn't even know what really happened to you. I won't be able to hold you when you are in pain and comfort you. You aren't the only one who has been forced to see the other lying on the ground covered in blood, neither are you the only one who has taken care of the other."

She grabbed him and buried her face in his chest. Even before Syler could wrap his arms around her, he could feel her heave in sobs. "I am sorry, Bronwyn," he said soothingly. "You are right. I am not the only one of us who has taken care of the other."

"Please don't leave me behind," she begged between sobs.

"I can't…" He could not say any more for the lump in his throat. He had only once seen her truly weep like this, and that had been after the unspeakable had happened to her in Kubei. It had broken his heart then and it was even more potent now.

They had always had a mostly agreeable relationship. Even during their first few days together, when they had been strangers, both had been courteous and accommodating out of a mutual desire not to have a miserable life together. They had a few arguments such as the one that happened the night the Shalktra came into Kubei, but most had been mild and both quickly apologized. For the most part, they got along well and laughed frequently as they faced life's challenges together.

He had made the mistake of lashing out at her once before in anger. The look on her face at that moment had been enough for him to regret it immediately. Her resulting silence and avoidance over the next two days was almost unbearable. He knew he had made a mistake, but his pride and stubbornness had kept him from truly apologizing. He had tried to make as though everything was fine, but she wouldn't even let him hold her at night as they had done every night together since the first fight with Growald. In the end, he could take it no more and broke down with an apology and promises never to speak to her like that again. She had stood tall, staring down at him on his knees in their chambers, and remained firm for several long, hard minutes. At last, when his frustration was enough to bring forth tears, her stony face softened and she pulled him up into a warm kiss that made her forgiveness clear.

If her angry silence had been enough to make him repent and all but grovel at her feet for forgiveness, seeing her weep against him like this was enough to make him want to tear his hair out. He might have done just that if his hands hadn't been wrapped around her. He simply could not bear to see her like this at all. It was a weakness that he knew he might one day regret, but at this point, he would do anything if she but asked. He would forsake any vow, every responsibility, and every duty if it would make her stop. That thought alone terrified him because included in that was his duty to save Karusa.

How had she come to mean so much? She was his wife, true, and he loved her, but Karusa was his own blood. He had thought nothing was more important than saving his only remaining family, but somewhere in the darkness of his heart, someone had come to mean as much or more to him. How could he even think about leaving Karusa? It was unconscionable as far as he was concerned, and yet, he was here willing to do just that if only it would stop Bronwyn from crying into his shoulder.

Should he consider himself weak for reacting like this? Some would say he was. They would say that if a man couldn't stand to see a few tears from a woman in order to do what needed to be done, he was not truly fit to be called a man. He also thought that there may be some who would say the opposite and would argue to the death that his willingness to do anything for the woman he loved was the ultimate sign of worthiness as a man. He didn't know which one was better and right now, he didn't care. All he cared about was making Bronwyn stop crying.

"What do you want?" he implored in a soft voice as he stroked her long, beautiful light brown hair. When she didn't immediately reply, his spirit and dignity broke. Looking up at the ceiling in desperation and fighting against the lump in his throat, he croaked out in a hoarse voice, "Tell me what you want and it will be so. Anything, my love, just please stop crying."

Syler held his breath, waiting for a response. He had began to see stars at the edge of his vision by the time she responded weakly, "Take me with you. I must go with you."

His heart dropped, yet he was strangely elated. At that moment, if she had demanded he stay in Kubei with her, he would not have had the strength to stop her. He would have still attempted to rescue Karusa by sending someone in his stead, but he didn't truly trust anyone else to get the job done. Maybe Havert could have done it since he actually knew what Karusa looked like, but he could no more part him from Alltis than he could now leave Bronwyn behind.

"Okay," he whispered as he kissed the crown of her head. "You can come with us, but you must do as you are told." She tensed in his arms, but did not pull away. "I am not going to risk you getting hurt if there is fighting. You do what you are told and you can come."

She tightened her grip around his waist for a brief second before stepping back to hold him at arm's length. "Thank you," she said between sniffles as she wiped tears from her face with the hem of her sleeve. "I promise I will do as you say. I don't want to ever be apart from you again, I don't think I could bear it."

He reached across the gap and wiped a newly sprung tear that escaped her eyes after she had wiped her face. With a loving smile, he said, "I don't want to be separated from you, either, but there may be a day when that has to happen."

"I know," she whispered. "Just not today, please."

Syler smiled sadly. "No, not today." He leaned forward to kiss her on the forehead. She tensed causing his brow to crease, but not for long. She gently grabbed his face, tilted her head back and pulled him into a long kiss that nearly healed the tear in his heart.

He didn't know how long they stood there in each other's arms, but it was not to last forever. "Bwet ley!" a voice called out from behind them.

With regret written plainly on her face, Bronwyn broke their latest kiss and smiled meekly at him. Syler was warmed by the sight of the color on her cheeks and rapid pulse of the veins on her neck. It felt good to be able to get that reaction out of her even with what was going on.

Even though he would rather have spent more time with his wife, Syler didn't have to force a smile once he saw the intruder coming toward them. Lord Fedas Horadin walked up at a rapid but measured pace until he came up alongside his lord. The man's long light brown hair briefly covered his face while his head was dipped in a bow. When he rose, Syler looked into his intelligent green eyes. So many others he had dealt with were hesitant to meet his gaze or, if they did, looked nervous and constantly shifted their eyes back and forth as if hoping to escape questioning. Not Horadin, he always met Syler's eyes without pause and held the gaze for as long as Syler was looking at him.

"Bwet ley o leya, if I might have a moment of your time." If he noticed how flushed Bronwyn was or how quickly she was breathing, he had the wisdom not to comment. Syler did notice that when he had addressed her, some color did touch his cheeks and his eyes were downcast. Syler thought he was a good man, sensitive to what was going on around him, but not one who would put aside business or things that were important unless it was absolutely necessary. If he came here now, without an audience, it was important enough for him to give him his ear.

"Lord Horadin," said Syler calmly, hiding all irritation at their interruption. He started to say "how can I help you" but caught himself before words came out of his mouth. He was still getting used to being a leader. It wouldn't do for a lord to constantly be asking how he could help others when they should be there to help and serve him. That was one of the few things that Horadin had agreed with Growald and Vekla on. "What concerns you?" he asked.

The Krue smiled briefly when Syler caught himself, but that didn't last long. "I have heard the most odd humor that you have made plans to leave Thwrud."

"'Rumor,'" Syler corrected.

Horadin blinked, "Fuswau?"

"The word is 'rumor' not 'humor,'" Syler explained with slight bemusement. "You heard a rumor that I was leaving."

"I thought 'rumor' meant secrets in your tongue, bwet ley," he asked cautiously.

Syler shrugged, "Not really, no. It means, well, bits of gossip you have heard. Stories, perhaps, would be another good way to define it."

"Then I have heard stories that you were leaving, is this true?"

"Yes, I am," Syler stated.

A pained look crossed Horadin's face. "I thought we had speaked of this. It is unwise of you to leave at this dangerous time."

"I know, and I am sorry that it has to be this sudden, but I must leave. We made plans for this. Havert is to be my gaelkadrada and you are to be his advisor."

The Krue didn't appear to be happy at all. He dry washed his hands as he responded nervously, "There are many things happening that need your attention, Lord Penion. I understand that Lord Jakaras has your trust and is loyal, but he is, well, bwet ley, he is…"

"Difficult," Syler finished when Horadin's voice trailed off. "I understand, my friend, I truly do. If anyone knows Havert's propensity for laziness, it is me. Nonetheless, he is the only non-Krue here whom I can trust, unless you think Alltis would be better."

The Krue blanched at that. "Lady Jakaras is a fine woman of high spirit and great sturdiness, but she is a woman and cannot be gaelkadrada. There are many reasons why there are no gaelfaeas."

"And why is that?" demanded Bronwyn with a sniff of indignation.

Lord Horadin bowed quickly toward her and said hastily, "I mean no offending, bwet leya, but many clans have had great…misfortunes when led by an inthaleya. It is ill fortune to be led by a woman. If her husband was particularly strong and loved, it may be possibles, but no with you, bwet ley." His eyes darted back toward Syler. "I fear your position is too fresh, too unprotected to allow for a gaelfaeas, especially one not of your blood or marriage."

Syler waved his hand in dismissal to forestall any further protests from Bronwyn. She generally did know the order of things, but on occasion, she could grow rather defensive about the strangest of things. He didn't have enough time for an argument, not if they were going to leave as soon as he hoped. "It does not matter, Havert is my chosen one, I expect you to serve him as well as you have served me. Do so and you will be rewarded upon my return."

Lord Horadin's head dipped once more. "I need no reward to follow you, bwet ley. If I may ask, when are you departing?"
"I leave in two hours if all is ready."

Air hissed between Horadin's teeth when he heard that. "There are many things that need your attention here, bwet ley. You cannot afford to leave so soon when things are this unsettled."

He was right, Syler knew. If he had any other choice, he would never have left until things were far more set and some of his plans had come to fruition. There were plenty of people who would be more than happy to oust him if given the chance, and it was hard to defend his position if he wasn't even in Subeleth. "I must get my sister," he said defiantly. "Vekla tried to stop me and I left her in the dust. I like you, Lord Horadin, but that doesn't mean I will let you or anyone else stop me from getting her."

He should have known that the other man would latch onto his comment about Vekla like a hawk. "What do you did with Mistress Vekla?" Lord Horadin asked insistently.

Knowing that he might as well as get it over with quickly, he decided not to avoid it. "She wanted to prevent me from going after my sister by attempting to assert authority over me." His voice hardened as he continued, "She overstepped herself so I put her back into her place and reminded her that I was the inthaley, not her."

With a mixture of bemusement and pride in her voice, Bronwyn quipped, "He picked her up like a child and held her in the air kicking pointlessly until she backed down."

At Horadin's stricken look, Syler hastily added, "I did not hurt her, but I hope it will be some time before she challenges me again."

Horadin swallowed audibly and said with a hesitant voice, "I do not believe it was wise to offend her, bwet ley. She is your most powerful ally. Without her, you would certainly be dead now. Why, after hearing what happened to Lords Baganeth and Faredel, many who were considered plotting against you recanted of their disloyalty and are firmly under your control."

"So that was who she flayed and burned," mumbled Syler to himself. Louder, he said a phrase he had heard many times here, "Neith fos, fos." What is, is. "There is nothing to be done about it now. I trust that you will make do in her absence. I know there are many who do not wish to be led by a foreigner, but that is not their choice any longer. Fate has put me in this spot, any who can't accept that will be cast aside." He drew a deep breath and said with as much authority and confidence he could muster. "Do what must be done, Lord Horadin. If there is any doubt, spare their lives, but do not hesitate to imprison any whom you suspect. I will deal with them all when I return."

In the face of such a direct command, the Kruish noble could do nothing but bow and say, "As you command, bwet ley."
This and all material related to the Master of Magic series is copywritten by me. Unless otherwise mentioned or you have explicit permission from me, you cannot use anything related for any purpose.

I ask that anyone who is reading this please take the time to comment with one thing they like and one thing they think I could do better (or made a mistake on). Pointing out what I do well helps me know to expand and continue those things. Showing me my mistakes not only allows me to fix them, but it allows me to work where I am weak so that I can become strong. I may not agree with you or change what is there, but I can promise you that I will heed and consider anything you put.

This chapter amounts to basically: what can Syler stand against? What are his limits and what can he tolerate and not tolerate? It may not seem like it, but he shows a great deal of his character in this chapter. He can stand up against a lot of things, yet he has weaknesses. He is stubborn, yet he can be flexible. There are things he won't negotiate on, yet there are things he will yield on. He can be polite to those who work with him, but will put those who are against him in their place. He has some knowledge of diplomacy, yet he is also quite blunt and direct to the point of coming dangerously close to violating proper protocol in a society that kills for less and already views him as a weak outsider. Every one of these conversations will have direct repercussions in the future.

Related Links


Prologue: A Prophecy Worth Blood (has all chapter links)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~Part II: The Kruish Lord~

Ch. 33: Promises and Hopes
Ch. 34: Brought Into Balance
Ch. 35: Three Conversations
Ch. 36: Raiding the Kitchen
Ch. 37: Two Journeys West


Continent of Teladia
Political Map of Teladia, 3E 1048
Size Comparison of Teladia and Europe
Size Comparison of Teladia and the US


Kruish Runic Chart
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luffluff's avatar
I have to say, I think you're already an accommplished writer. Recently, I've been feeling very depressed, but when I finally took the time to read this, for a moment I forgot about it all. Thank you so, so much. Please keep writing.